Insomnia is a very common problem in children and adolescents and is related to numerous negative outcomes. Evidence for effective psychological interventions in the treatment of childhood insomnia has been increasing, but lacks a comprehensive synthesis of findings. On the other hand, sleep treatment often generates controversy among professionals. In this webinar, a review of treatments will be presented and their implications for clinical practice will be analyzed, as well as a reflection on future lines of treatment.

María de la Fe Rodríguez is a Doctor in Psychology, Professor at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Responsible for the Moms and Babies of Spain project. Her field of research is perinatal mental health with more than 10 years of experience in this topic. In recent years, there has been a focus on conducting randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews.

Open and free activity. Pre-registration is required.
Members of the Spanish Society of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology will obtain a certificate after completing the webinar. In addition, they will be able to access the material provided by the speaker.

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