The AITANA research group at Miguel Hernández University announces an award aimed at recognizing initiatives carried out in primary and secondary schools that seek to improve the mental health of their students.

Award Objective: To recognize and reward primary schools and secondary schools that have implemented an initiative to promote mental health among their students.

Eligibility: All primary and secondary schools within the national territory that have developed an initiative aimed at promoting mental health in the school environment are eligible for the award. Participation must be authorized by the school administration.

Submission Deadline: The deadline for submitting applications is 3:00 PM on October 15, 2024.

Application Submission: Interested schools must complete the application form available by scanning the following QR code:


  • Representative’s contact information.
  • Detailed description of the initiative.
  • Objectives of the initiative.
  • Activities carried out.
  • Results and impact on the school community.
  • Supplementary materials: photos, videos, infographics.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Innovation and originality of the initiative.
  • Positive impact on students’ mental health.
  • Potential for the initiative to be replicated in other schools.
  • Participation of the school community in the implementation of the initiative.

Finalists and Awards: Three finalists will be selected, with one overall winner. Finalists will receive an honorary diploma. The winning school will receive a set of educational materials worth €500.

Announcement of Finalists and Winner: The award decision will be communicated to the interested parties and announced on the social media of @aitanaresearchgroup on October 30, 2024. The award will be presented at the gala dinner of the International Congress of Clinical Psychology with Children and Adolescents, which will take place in Elche on November 23, 2024.

Evaluation and Selection Process: A jury composed of experts will evaluate the proposals, and their decision will be final. The jury may declare the award void or determine a joint award. Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Acceptance of Terms: Participation in this call implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Contact: For any inquiries, interested parties can contact via email at